Subject: Re: USB Ethernet adapters (for Netpliance Iopener)
To: None <>
From: Laine Stump <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/14/2000 01:40:21
At 10:03 PM 3/13/00 -0800, Jason R Thorpe wrote:
>Are you going to be on a 100mbps network?  If so, look for adapters that
>are supported by `aue' (look at the driver for the list).

In a couple days I'll be able to verify whether the $29 SMC "EZNET 10/100"
USB adapter from is really the same as the "SMC2202USB" listed in
the aue manpage. If so, that's the cheapest I've found.

>Note that there are really only 3 USB Ethernet variants, and all of them
>within the same variant basically work the same.

Everybody says that, but I'm still nervous until it's in my hot little
hands! ;-)

(BTW, Jason, what is this "mail address of the day week"? ;-)