Subject: Re: popper, kx and kxd are disabled in crypto-intl
To: None <>
From: Oleg Polyanski <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/11/2000 04:58:06
>>>>> "HF" == Hubert Feyrer writes:

 HF> Because such things should go to pkgsrc, not the base operating system.
 >> Why? For example,  sendmail or  uucp are the  part of  base operating
 >> system. Why  pop3d (and even imap4  daemon) should not? They both are
 >> extremely wide used these days..

 HF> All these things are fine for installation, esp. big ones that not


        -rwxr-xr-x  1 luke  luke  18104 Mar 11 04:53 ./popa3d

 HF> everyone needs. While it can be argued that sendmail still falls under
 HF> that, uucp most likely doesn't and shoud be moved to pkgsrc, IMHO.

 HF> It's not an excuse, though, to put _more_ things into the system.