Subject: NFS bug in NetBSD-release, too (bin/9366)
To: None <,>
From: Markus Kilbinger <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/18/2000 10:22:31

just to mention that this bug:

> >Number:         9366
> >Category:       bin
> >Synopsis:       ls: /mnt: Input/output error
> [...]
> >How-To-Repeat:
> 	  mount gandalf:/usr/src /mnt
> 	  cd /mnt
> 	  ls
> 	  ls: /mnt: Input/output error

seems to be also present in the forth coming 1.4.2 release branch.
Last night I made a 'make build' of the actual NetBSD-release source
on a i386 machine (worked fine) resulting in this kind of NFS error,
too: The machine is no longer usable as a nfs server while mounting
foreign nfs dirs still work fine.

I could circumvent this problem by reinstalling the base.tgz of
1.4.2_ALPHA snapshot of Jan 2000.
