Subject: Re: rsync'able repository with crypto/xsrc/pkgsrc ?
To: Todd Whitesel <>
From: Alan Barrett <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/19/2000 13:39:54
> I much prefer rsync'ing the cvs repository since my home network is rather
> isolated from the outside world, but the directories I'm currently getting
> by rsync do not include crypto, xsrc, or pkgsrc. Is there an rsync'able
> repository somewhere that has these? currently provides rsync access to cryptosrc-intl,
but only by prior arrangement and only for other publicly-accessible
mirrors.  I could easily allow rsync access to the other sources as
well (but not to cryptosrc-us), but it would still be restricted to
other mirrors, not open to the general public, because of concerns
about system load.

Send me mail if you run a publicly-accessible mirror and you want
rsync access to

--apb (Alan Barrett)