Subject: Re: RFC: Simple screen editor for NetBSD
To: None <>
From: Michael C. Richardson <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/09/2000 13:48:14
>>>>> "Matthew" == Matthew Orgass <> writes:
Matthew> It just occured to me: why can't sysinst install binary
Matthew> packages? It has the disks mounted and just installed pkg_add.
This is the end game for sysinst. I don't know that we are there.
The idea of creating a "novice" package, however is really a very
good idea. When we have packages in sysinst, then we can just make it
a collection of useful packages.
:!mcr!: | Cow#1: Are you worried about getting Mad Cow Disease?
Michael Richardson | Cow#2: No. I'm a duck.
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