Subject: Re: Setting locales (or: how to get Elm to use the right charset)
To: Martin Husemann <>
From: Jaromir Dolecek <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/08/2000 22:15:38
Martin Husemann wrote:
> > Variable LANG should do.
> Hmm, I thought that too, but it does not work.
> Now, after testing again, it does no work for elm, but works otherwise:
> [/tmp] martin@rumolt > echo $LANG
> de
> [/tmp] martin@rumolt > cat mru
> cat: mru: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
> [/tmp] martin@rumolt >
> But elm still does not send mails with 8 bit chars in ISO-8859-1 coding,
> and, even worse, it does not display them!
> I think I'll have to revert to a manual installed elm for now; someone
> please fix the pkg. (Maybe time to learn something about this stuff and
> submit patches ;-)

It's working for me, though :) But I have working iso-8859-2 locales,
maybe that's it ? Note that basic system doesn't support even iso-8859-1
locale (the characters >127 are classified badly)

Jaromir Dolecek <>
@@@@  Wanna a real operating system ? Go and get NetBSD, damn!  @@@@