Subject: Re: AnonCVS vs Sup2CVS
To: John Darrow <>
From: Thor Lancelot Simon <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/18/1999 23:50:44
On Mon, Oct 18, 1999 at 05:45:32PM -0500, John Darrow wrote:
> >Is there anyone still using the combination of sup & CVS regularly or have
> >most people gone over to anonCVS?
> I'm still using sup & local cvs.  A couple reasons are the speed of a local
> repository and the lack of availability of xsrc, crypto, and pkgsrc via
> AnonCVS.  But the biggest reason is that neither AnonCVS itself, nor the
> rsync'ing of the actual AnonCVS repository, have a good way of dealing with
> significant local patches, and especially with tracking changes to those
> patches over time.

Where did you get the idea that xsrc, crypto-us, and pkgsrc were not in
the AnonCVS repository?