Subject: Re: AnonCVS vs Sup2CVS
To: None <>
From: John Darrow <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/18/1999 17:45:32
>Is there anyone still using the combination of sup & CVS regularly or have
>most people gone over to anonCVS?

I'm still using sup & local cvs.  A couple reasons are the speed of a local
repository and the lack of availability of xsrc, crypto, and pkgsrc via
AnonCVS.  But the biggest reason is that neither AnonCVS itself, nor the
rsync'ing of the actual AnonCVS repository, have a good way of dealing with
significant local patches, and especially with tracking changes to those
patches over time.

This is most heavily felt in pkgsrc, where, in the process of getting
things to work correctly with xpkgwedge (just say NO to further polluting
X11BASE), I often find that a new package needs patches similar to those
which I had to use long ago on another package but which were, for
example, obsoleted by a change in a package's configuration method.

In terms of differing CVS version numbers, -ko is your friend :)


John Darrow - Senior Technical Specialist               Office: 630/752-5201
Computing Services, Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL 60187  Fax:    630/752-5968
Alphapage:            Pager:  630/316-0707