Subject: Re: db2 licence (was Re: CVS commit: cryptosrc-us)
To: Simon Burge <>
From: Greg Hudson <ghudson@MIT.EDU>
List: current-users
Date: 07/30/1999 13:03:26
Sorry, should have caught this conversation earlier.
The db2 in the MIT krb5 distribution is not covered by the Sleepycat
license. It's based on an alpha release (fixed up quite a bit) and
carries a standard Berkeley license.
The following is thus irrelevant to db2 in krb5:
> Now, that doesn't sound as bad as I recall - I thought there were
> words like "can't be sold for profit"... Has anyone been officially
> in contact with SleepyCat to see if we can ship db2?
I believe (don't take my word for it) that Sleepycat has offered to
give NetBSD a license to distribute db2 under different terms with
NetBSD, but we aren't interested in that sort of license. (We want
our code to be usable for any purpose, so we can't accept restrictions
like "can only be used as part of the NetBSD C library".)