Subject: Re: db2 licence (was Re: CVS commit: cryptosrc-us)
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/30/1999 11:17:46
In message <>, Simon Bu
rge writes:
> If you redistribute your application outside of your site and
> your source code is not freely available and redistributable by
> others, then you require a commercial license from Sleepycat
> Software. Contact us for commercial licensing terms and pricing.
This shouldn't be a problem for NetBSD per se, but I would think it could
be a barrier to commercial systems based on it.
>Now, that doesn't sound as bad as I recall - I thought there were words
>like "can't be sold for profit"... Has anyone been officially in
>contact with SleepyCat to see if we can ship db2?
If no one else has, I'd be happy to drop them a line.