Subject: time_t
To: Gandhi woulda smacked you <>
From: Michael Richardson <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/13/1999 23:09:22
>>>>> "Gandhi" == Gandhi woulda smacked you <> writes:
    Gandhi> On Tue, 13 Jul 1999, Dave Sainty wrote:

    Gandhi> # ...check out those modification times!
    Gandhi> # Setuid additions:
    Gandhi> # prwsr-xr-x 18164 2633305079 670483187 5545397811823284715 \
    Gandhi> #	Sep 10 14:41:52 1914 /vol/tequila/userC/NetBSD-sup/pkgsrc/x11/wmthemes
    Gandhi>                         ^^^^
    Gandhi> # Dave
    Gandhi> # 

    Gandhi> mean our time_t is still interpreted as a signed value?  That's not
    Gandhi> very Y1.990K compliant :-)

  Yes, but time_t is used to calculate differences, so it has to be signed.
    Gandhi> [FWIW: Solaris 7 interprets time_t as unsigned, which extends years to
    Gandhi>  somewhere in 2100 or so...]

typedef int64_t time_t;  

] Train travel features AC outlets with no take-off restrictions|  firewalls  [
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works, Ottawa, ON    |net architect[
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