Subject: Re: Night madness?
To: John Nemeth <>
From: David Maxwell <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/06/1999 14:45:34
On Tue, Jul 06, 1999 at 08:58:35AM -0700, John Nemeth wrote:
> On Jul 3, 11:10pm, David Maxwell wrote:
> } Yes, with a uni-tasking machine, it's quite possible to learn to
> } identify what program is running, based on the pattern of RF generated
> } by the idle loop. I've never bothered trying with any multitasking
> } OS, since theory tells me it won't work.
> At one point, the theory of aeronautics said that bees can't fly...
Fair enough. It might be possible to recognize the OS, now that I think
about it. Wonder if Windows machines go Ewwwwwww and NetBSD Mmmmmmmm ?
As for the Bees, I've often wondered what the, err 'Bug' in the theory
was? Don't suppose you know the flaw?
David Maxwell,| -->
All this stuff in twice the space would only look half as bad!
- me