Subject: Re: (Off-topic) How to share a .Xauthority file?
To: None <>
From: Chris Jones <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/04/1999 18:10:39
>>>>> "Paul" == Paul Goyette <> writes:

Paul> It seems that whenever I log in to one machine (via xdm), I lose
Paul> my entire .Xauthority file, preventing me from logging in or
Paul> starting new clients on the other machines.

Paul> Is there any way to tell X that I'm sharing this file?

I don't know.  One potential hack, though, would be:

XAUTHORITY="${HOME}/.Xauthority-`hostname -s`"

But it would need to go in before xdm generates the xauth file.
.xsession might be too late for that.  And this would be a major hack,
anyway, and a pain to start up clients on different machines.


Chris Jones                                
           Mad scientist at large          
"Is this going to be a stand-up programming session, sir, or another bug hunt?"