Subject: What is it mean - ftp
To: None <>
From: Chan Yiu Wah <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/02/1999 06:35:30

I update my system (i386) yesterday with source upto Jun30, 1999 and I found
the ftp not functionas before. I tried to download some files from the ISP
and the error is

======= Error =======
ftp> mget src-3*
ftp in free(): warning: junk pointer, too high to make sense.
local: src-3.0188.gz remote: src-3.0188.gz
227 Entering Passive Mode (202,82,0,87,130,207)
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for src-3.0188.gz (5162 bytes).
0% |                                     |     0       0.00 KB/s    --:-- ETAftp: netin: Invalid argument
0% |                                     |    -1       0.00 KB/s    --:-- ETA
226 Transfer complete.

======= Error =======

Any idea ?
