Subject: RE: CVSup collections for a NetBSD CVS tree
To: Brian D Chase <>
From: Tom Javen <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/29/1999 11:08:01
On Thu, 29 Apr 1999, Brian D Chase wrote:
> On Thu, 29 Apr 1999, Tom Javen wrote:
> > On Thu, 29 Apr 1999, Martin Husemann wrote:
> A nice benefit of porting CVSup to C is that people don't have to get very
> deep into worrying about platform specific details (as they would with
> porting a Modula-3 compiler). It also means that if `n' increases,
> there's no additional cost to having CVSup run on that platform. It
> scales better.
> Hey I wouldn't mind having a Modula-3 compiler for my VAX, but I'm not
> going to be the one to port it. Maybe we need a Modula-3 interpreter?
> Or maybe we should instead port CVSup to perl so *everybody* can run it,
> including WinNT bozos.
Yes , and I would like to doscmd on my sun3....
You can still continue to use sup for your vax :^)
(as will I for my pc532)
Tom Javen | Innotrac Diagnostics Oy
email | Finland
gsm +358-40-5860532 | phone +358-2-2410025
| fax +358-2-2410024