Subject: Re: when did newfs go insane?
To: John F. Woods <>
From: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/11/1999 12:25:01
On Sat, Apr 10, 1999 at 10:49:28PM -0400, John F. Woods wrote:
> Having run out of inodes on my 3GB /usr partition, I wanted to
> re-newfs the partition with more inodes. But somewhere along the
> line, newfs became awfully fussy about filesystem sizes:
> With a block size of 32768 minimum bytes per inode is 5416
> Minimum bytes per inode is 5416
> With 16065 sectors per cylinder, minimum cylinders per group is 64
> This requires the block size to be changed from 8192 to 32768
> and the fragment size to be changed from 1024 to 4096
> Given that the filesystem currently works perfectly well with 16
> cylinders per group and block sizes of 8K/1K, the word "requires"
> seems to be rather strong. I see that newfs changed on March 17;
> did some calculations get biffed, or was there always some bizarre
> bug lurking there, corrupting filesystems (or at least rendering them
> wasteful)?
You're a victim of (somefakeycylindernumner,255,63) geometry.
I don't know how the details work, but if you use a
(somefakecylindernumber*15,17,63) geometry you'll be fine.