Subject: Re: BSD == NIH
To: None <>
From: SUNAGAWA Keiki <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/17/1999 08:13:31 (The Grey Wolf) wrote:

greywolf> When I first used ksh, I also found it slow, and
greywolf> having to type "fg %" or "fg %3", and not having
greywolf> the ability to use ls -l {foo,bar}.c were just the
greywolf> cappers to drive me away from ksh, command line
greywolf> editing or no.  I like it, too, which is why I use
greywolf> tcsh.  BUT NOT FOR ROOT'S LOGIN SHELL.

When someone asked me "Hi, I want to change the root's login
shell of my machine to bash/tcsh/whatever, is it okey?", I
used to answer "It's okey if you linked it statically, and
remember that the user 'toor' has /bin/sh as its login

I use /bin/sh as root's login shell personally though.

Hack on NetBSD, and your code runs on over 20 architectures!