Subject: Re: HEADS UP: nsswitch about to go `live' in NetBSD-current
To: Jason Thorpe <>
From: Don Lewis <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/20/1999 03:16:27
On Jan 19,  9:27am, Jason Thorpe wrote:
} Subject: Re: HEADS UP: nsswitch about to go `live' in NetBSD-current
} On Tue, 19 Jan 1999 16:24:05 +0000 
}  Pete Bentley <> wrote:
}  > In the Solaris world, you could get close to that with something like:-
}  >         hosts: dns [NOTFOUND=return UNAVAIL=continue] files
}  > which is close, but what you describe is actually something like
}  >         hosts: dns [AVAIL=return] files
}  > ie, if DNS is available then its answers are authorative.
} The correct semantics an be achieved with:
} 	hosts: dns [notfound=return unavail=continue success=return] files

What status is returned if DNS is unavailable and the host isn't in
/etc/hosts?  Does this look like a temporary failure or does it look
like we have been told there is no such host?