Subject: Re: HEADS UP: nsswitch about to go `live' in NetBSD-current
To: Jonathan Stone <>
From: Jan-Hinrich Fessel <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/18/1999 09:07:03
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In message <199901170144.RAA15289@Cup.DSG.Stanford.EDU>you write:
> "Erik E. Fair" writes:
> > IMHO, for safety, you should put your critical addresses in /etc/hosts
> > and have `hosts: files dns'.
> Uh, you're saying NetBSD's default should change from the existing
> usage, to what you, personally, prefer?
That's what would be reasonable. Not that we should agree to follow all of
erics personal preferences, but in this case I do strongly support the change.
In normal circumstances it should not make a real difference because
/etc/hosts only contains localhost and the local host adress (OK, performance
penalty when up and running, if there is no caching in the resolver
routines...), but the machine will be bootable when there is no network (yet).
Sie haben die Position des Mauszeigers verändert.
Starten Sie Windows neu, um die Änderungen wirksam zu machen.
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