Subject: Keyboard problems installing NetBSD
To: None <>
From: Nathan L Williams <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/16/1999 12:02:06
	I am having a problem getting NetBSD installed on my desktop.  
When I use the installation disk I made, it goes through the countdown to
booting, starts booting the netbsd.gz kernel on the disk, and then
displays some numbers with a spinning line.  During this time my keyboard
is fully operational and able to turn on and off the keyboard lights (ie
caps lock, num lock, scroll lock), however, when my computer starts
detecting my hardware, the keyboard lights go out and the keyboard will
not respond. My computer goes through the detection process and finally
shows the installation menu.  I cannot do anything at this point because
my keyboard still will not respond.
	I have a pentium-166 with 1995 Award BIOS 4.50PG and a standard
windows 101-key keyboard.  The NetBSD disk works on other computers, other
keyboards do not work on my computer, and my keyboard works on other
computers with my NetBSD disk.  I have taken every extra board out of my
computer except my Diamond Stealth II S220 video card and all my RAM
except for 64 Megs of 72-pin EDO ram.  I have gone into the BIOS and
turned off every feature mentioning caching.  I am at a loss as to what
steps I can take now to install NetBSD on my computer.  Does anybody have
any hints about what I can do to resolve this problem?

Nathan L Williams