Subject: Re: building a userland interface to a kernel structure
To: UNIX hacker and security officer <>
From: dustin sallings <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/12/1999 20:48:06
On Tue, 12 Jan 1999, UNIX hacker and security officer wrote:

	Well, right now I've got it saying, ``dustin can bind to port
444,'' I just want a way to assign such privileges without recompiling my
kernel and rebooting.  :)  I've got suggestions like make a syscall,
kernel socket, etc... but I'm not sure where to begin on any of those.

// OOOOhhhhh, I get it now.
// What you want is for some way to let the kernel know that "Hey, it's
// _okay_ for this guy to get to these ports."
// There appears to be no easily definable solution short of (pardon the
// pseudocode):
// #ifdef PORT_DEBUG
// 	if (sysctl(net.allowresvports)) {
// 		/* grant the port */
// 	}
// 	else
// #endif
// 	{
// 		/* refuse the port */
// 	}
// somewhere in the networking code.
// 				--*greywolf;
// --
// Microsoft:
// 	"Just click on the START button and your journey to the Dark Side
// 	 will be complete!"

Principle Member Technical Staff,    The world is watching America,
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