Subject: Re: some observations on the peripheral market
To: David A. Gatwood <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/11/1999 11:51:30
"David A. Gatwood" sez:
 * My apologies if I sound annoyed, but it really bothers me when people say
 * that I should have to dump everything I have and buy new stuff just
 * because it's the "latest thing".  I have my PB G3/250, but I'm typing this
 * on a 7100/80.  The best tool for a job isn't always the latest...

Indeed.  The Sun4c line is at least eight years old, and the Sun-3 line is
at least that far _beyond EOL_.  My IPX zips along not too badly considering
it's a, what, 25MHz box?  or is it 40?  [my mips.c program seems to want
to calculate it at about 40 MIPS, but I must be doing something wrong...]

 , and the
 * best and most universally accepted means of carrying files is still the
 * floppy disk -- probably by a million to one in terms of the total disk
 * count.  Maybe more than that.  The floppy disk is far from dead.

Someone spoke of SuperDisks.  The SPARC controller doesn't support them,
does it?

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