To: None <>
From: Herb Peyerl <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/17/1998 08:21:12
So a few of us have taken a recent interest in the rc5des crypto contest
that Michael Graff started participating in over a year ago in the name
of the NetBSD team.
When I first started running the client on 16 sharks, the NetBSD team
was in 64th place overall out of about 7500 teams... With the addition
of people like Dave Carrel, Scott Reynolds, Frank Van Der Linden, Luke,
and others, we've managed to push us up to 45th place (as of this
morning)... At our present keyrate, we'll eventually end up in 20th
place, above the FreeBSD team.
Recently, Allistair has committed an rc5des package into pkgsrc with
the netbsd email address already setup (you just need to modify the
smtpsrvr and your email address in the .ini file)... This makes it
easier for those of you who aren't familiar with this to contribute
keys to the NetBSD team.
This is a friendly kind of fun competition and you need not run NetBSD
in order to contribute keys to our team.
Soon I'll be turning up the rest of my sharks, which should really
help us move up in the stats. Incidentally, anyone interested can
check the stats at Any of you who
are already participating for another team, are strongly encouraged
to re-assign your future keyblocks to our team, #4420.
Anyway, just a sort of fun thing to do...