Subject: Re: PR 4094
To: NetBSD-current Discussion List <>
From: Michael C. Richardson <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/26/1998 16:35:21

>>>>> "Greg" == Greg A Woods <> writes:
    >> We've had discussions about the problems of allocating major device
    >> numbers for projects that either aren't in the tree yet, or will never
    >> be, or are just for experimentation.  I don't have a full solution,
    >> but PR 4094 was one suggestion.

    Greg> PR 4094 is a quick hack that makes it possible for custom driver
    Greg> hacks to avoid clashes with ongoing updates in the main tree.  It
    Greg> would have saved me some merging and re-making of /dev nodes.  I
    Greg> don't think it's anywhere near to being a general solution to the
    Greg> problem of allocating and assigning device numbers though.

  It is exactly that: a quick hack.  I'm not the least bit ashamed about
this. I try to keep my /sys tree clean of local hacks (and local code) both
because my code is part of a larger revision controlled tree that usually
includes user land code, and also build environment for multiple platforms
(including NT), so as much as I'd like to just import the complete NetBSD 
kernel tree, I can't.

  It makes my life easier, and let me track -current with my project, so that
when I'm ready to release, I can release against whatever the most recent 
NetBSD is. (This was especially acute before we got IDE CDROM in 1.3)

    Greg> IMO FreeBSD gets a million miles closer to a complete solution and
    Greg> is really only missing a wee tiny bit of glue (and an as yet

  Can you tell us a bit more about the FreeBSD solution?

   :!mcr!:            |  Network and security consulting/contract programming
   Michael Richardson |         Firewalls, TCP/IP and Unix administration
	ON HUMILITY: To err is human, to moo bovine.

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