Subject: Re: -current (981121) build fails in libc / arch/Makefile
To: Hauke Fath <hauke@Espresso.Rhein-Neckar.DE>
From: Erik Bertelsen <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/22/1998 22:27:53
On Sun, Nov 22, 1998 at 20:43:13 +0100, Hauke Fath wrote:
> Yes, maybe here is the real cause. Living behind a 14k4 modem, I only sup
> "ksrc-common" and "ksrc-mac68k" from And apparently none of the
> two includes "sys/arch/Makefile".
> Can someone knowledgable please check this?

This has been a long-standing problem, but on 6 November 1998, I received
arch/Makefile for the first time by supping ksrc-common and a few ksrc-port
collections. When did you last sup ?

- Erik