Subject: Re: ext2fs troubles under -current
To: Jim Bernard <>
From: Antti Kantee <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/21/1998 08:56:04
On Fri Nov 20 1998 at 20:10:30 -0700, Jim Bernard wrote:
> > I have been trying to track -current ever since 19981026, but I'm
> > having some troubles with filesystem stability. My /home, /linux, and
> > /linux/usr partitions are ext2fs, and very regularly my system panics
> > when updating one of these partitions:
> >
> > panic: lockmgr: pid 153, not exclusive lock holder 286 unlocking
> Just yesterday I saw what I think was a similar panic. The kernel was
> built from October 28 sources, without DDB. However, gdb reports:
> panic: lockmgr: pid %d, not %s %d unlocking
> and the process list is headed by:
> root 125 31.6 0.0 16 0 ?? Rs Wed04PM 0:01.57 (update)
> which was the process running at the time of the panic seen by Rene. I'm
> not sure that a write to an ext2fs partition was in progress, but I do
> know that we had one ext2fs partition mounted read-write at the time
> (usually they are mounted read-only, and the system is rock solid), and
> that changes were made on it sometime within the half hour or so before
> the panic (by the other person who was logged in at the time).
I had similar problems already during the summer, but because of my
quite disoriented daily routines back then, I totally forgot to report
this. My problem was a panic while _reading_ an e2 floppy. (mounted r/w
though, I'd guess) I kludged my way through this by disabeling update
(ie. killing it) for the time that was required to copy my files to
safety. Never touched an ext2 since.