Subject: Re: c++ and exception handling
To: Brook Milligan <brook@trillium.NMSU.Edu>
From: Todd Vierling <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/12/1998 16:23:57
On Thu, 12 Nov 1998, Brook Milligan wrote:
: Does the native netbsd c++ compiler handle throwing and catching
: exceptions? My experience says no, but I may be missing something on
: how to invoke that capability. If not, is there any hope that it will
: do so in the near future?
You can use c++ -fhandle-exceptions, but the support is not complete in the
gcc 2.7.x compiler.
`Watch this space.' We're _trying_ to get something gcc 2.8-based (egcs) up
to snuff.
-- Todd Vierling (Personal; Bus.