Subject: Projects that need to be done...
To: None <>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/08/1998 22:55:33
Is there anywhere a list of current projects that NetBSD needs done to it?

One of my projects recently has been developing the base needed to start
selling support for NetBSD.  This is mostly in place (I expect to be faxing
out our first formal quote Monday), but I'd like to get some developer types
lined up who would be interested in some (fairly occasional, I'm afraid)
work doing paid development.  Also, if anyone out there wants to fund
development of anything for NetBSD, drop me a line - I'm hoping to provide
some paying work for NetBSD users/developers, but I really need customers
first.  :)

Any volunteers to be on either side of this gratefully accepted.  :)
