Subject: Re: Looking to make a Sparc bootable cdrom, any instructions?
To: Manuel Bouyer <>
From: Brian Buhrow <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/21/1998 09:22:06
Does anyone know how the Sun CDS are formatted? It looks like they're
multi-session cds with the last session being the ISO9660 session. The
previous sessions seem like UFS filesystems with bootable headers on them.
Is there any way NetBSD can be pursuaded to show me the various sessions of
a CD? I know cdrecord can make them.
On Oct 21, 10:33am, Manuel Bouyer wrote:
} Subject: Re: Looking to make a Sparc bootable cdrom, any instructions?
} On Oct 21, Brian Buhrow wrote
} > I was wondering why read-only UFS wouldn't be an option? So long as I
} > can lay down the raw image on the cdrom, it seems I should be able to get a
} > bootable image, right? What about the slicing for Sun4m versus Sun4c?
} NetBSD's bootloader can work with both sun4m and sun4c machines.
} So you should be able to use the same partition for both.
} The only problem I can see with this is that you have a non-standart
} for for your CD, so you can't read it anywhere.
} --
} Manuel Bouyer, LIP6, Universite Paris VI.
} --
>-- End of excerpt from Manuel Bouyer