Subject: Re: truss-like command for netbsd
To: Duncan McEwan <duncan@MCS.VUW.AC.NZ>
From: dustin sallings <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/11/1998 16:59:48
On Mon, 12 Oct 1998, Duncan McEwan wrote:

	Actually, the command *I'd* like to see come out of Solaris is
snoop.  :)  I've solved many a network problem with that thing.  tcpdump
is *almost* enough, just needs an ASCii output (or has one I haven't been
able to find).

// I recall a little while ago there was a discussion on one of the netbsd
// lists about a command that behaved like the System V truss, rather than
// netbsd's ktrace (ie, wrote text representation of system calls to stdout
// by default).
// At the time I let it go past because I thought that ktrace would do
// everything I would want, but now I find that something more like truss
// might be useful (I'm trying to track down why XFree86 3.3.2 causes a
// Pentium II to reboot when the X server starts up and I thought that a
// truss-like command might be less likely to lose buffered information when
// the system fell over).
// So, did anyone write such a command or was it simply an idea floating
// around?  If it does exist, is it in netbsd-current, or in the pkgsrc?  I
// did have a search of the email archives for the last couple of months, and
// looked for likely named commands under src/{usr.bin,usr.sbin} but
// didn't see anything.
// Thanks.
// Duncan
// PS: I'll probably mail something about the real problem I'm trying to solve
// if/when I get more details.  But does anyone know off-hand why XFree86
// 3.3.2 might reboot a Pentium II running a 1.3 or current kernel after going
// into graphics mode but before displaying the X cursor (no visible panic -
// but that might just be because I'm in graphics mode, and no coredump).  The
// same server binary runs fine on a Pentium running 1.3 with identical
// graphics card (Matrox Millenium II).

SA,                            The world is watching America,
pub  1024/3CAE01D5 1994/11/03 Dustin Sallings <>
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