Subject: Re: Sysinst Tool Question...
To: None <>
From: Christopher R. Bowman <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/18/1998 12:41:52
At 02:32 PM 9/18/98 +0100, Feico Dillema wrote:
>I'd like comments from people that have worked on the sysinst
>tool on the following:
>Would it be easy (to implement) and nice (to have) to add the folowing
>to the sysinst tool: Let sysinst record a trace/log of the
>installation/configuration parameters it gets from the user to get a NetBSD
>system up and running. For a subsequent install that trace/log could then be
>used to do an automatic install on that particular machine.
The FreeBSD installer is supposedly scriptable, but I have never been able
create a working script
>I assume some of you would shudder at the thought, but I think it
>could be a quite useful feature for client systems that store
>all personal data on file-servers and only have NetBSD/X11 and
>maybe /usr/pkg on the local disk, i.e. have only local stuff
>that can be reconstructed automatically. Such systems used by
>`ordinary users' would then be easier maintain, as system-admin
>intervention/time is not necessary to reconstruct a system
>after a hard crash (hardware failure or user powering down
>system without proper halt-ing the machine etc). `Just' give
>the user a boot-floppy with sysinst and its log/trace from last
>Just a thought...
>Feico Dillema.
Christopher R. Bowman