Subject: Re: AFS/arla
To: Jason Thorpe <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/18/1998 11:08:04
On Sep 17, Jason Thorpe wrote
> for things installed in /usr/pkg, it needs to be "/usr/pkg/db/pkg/..."
> ...for base system programs... /var/db/pkg/... is Right...  If you have

I don't think. Each host has his own /var, but may share /usr, and even /
(I've done this for diskless sparcs, it's quite easy).
And when I backup a system (with dump) I backup / and /usr, but I don't
want to have to backup my 1Gb /var just for /var/db/pkg/.

Getting the rigth location for the pkg db files is not easy, because
the layout may differ (on could have one big partition for /,
where someone else could have a partition for /, one for /usr and a shared
/usr/share ...).
But I really think /var is not the rigth place to keep informations of what
is installed on /usr ...

Manuel Bouyer, LIP6, Universite Paris VI. 