Subject: Re: BSD system bezels?
To: Peter Seebach <>
From: Jasper Wallace <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/16/1998 20:46:36
On Tue, 15 Sep 1998, Peter Seebach wrote:
> This may be a little i386-specific, but I want to see about obtaining system
> bezels (the little 1" or so logo-things) with the Berkeley Daemon on 'em. I
> know what it would cost me to get the permission to use the Daemon, but I
> don't know of a good place to get CPU bezels with custom patterns, and I'm
> not sure I can afford it, either. Would anyone be interested in this? If
> I could drum up some interest, or if someone else could do some and sell me
> some, I'd be very interested.
Funny that this should come up now ;-)
Yesterday a co-worker got fed up with all the blank patches on some of the
machines round here and printed out a sutably scaled version of the daemon
onto sticky labels, and the rest, as they say, is history.
[I'm assmuming this comes under the 'personal use' clause of the daemon
licensing conditions: ]
Jasper Wallace Argo Interactive Group PLC
+44 (0)1243 815815 Unix Systems support,
+44 (0)411 264753 Integration and Administration.