Subject: Re: sup-to-cvs script
To: NetBSD-current Discussion List <>
From: Mike Pumford <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/15/1998 22:09:20
On Mon, 14 Sep 1998, Greg A. Woods wrote:

> It should be noted that as of about CVS-1.10 the updating and merging of
> a local working directory (i.e. to merge the new "vendor" release into a
> local working copy) now works a whole lot better, but *only* if you use
> the actual vendor release tag names, and *not* the ":yesterday" magic.
> I'm not sure when this was fixed, but I'm fairly certain 1.9 does *not*
> work properly.
> For example, if you do an import such as:
> 	cvs import -I ! -m 'netbsd as of LAST' netbsd netbsd current-LAST
> and the next time you do:
> 	cvs import -I ! -m 'netbsd as of DATE' netbsd netbsd current-DATE
> Then you would:
> 	cvs update -d -P -j current-LAST -j current-DATE
> In fact in my testing I note that so far it seems to properly mark files
> to be removed *and* resurrected (i.e. by re-adding them to the trunk).
Thanks for this information. I've just been updating the page to do
precisely this sort of merge. I knew it would handle files which have been
removed I did't know it would re-add them as well, even if it does cause
import conflicts.

> However I would *strongly* recommend that everyone tracking third party
> source releases upgrade to CVS-1.10 or CVS-current and be careful not to
> use ":yesterday" as neither Mike's script, nor mine, will correctly
> resurrect files, which can be a massive problem if you're tracking
> pkgsrc where for some illogical reason the pkgsrc people still think
> it's a good idea to keep lots of little patch files, and as a result
> they come and go quite frequently as the necessary patches change from
> package release to package release.
I don't track pkgsrc with CVS but I would also make this recommendation. I
was not totally happy with the SUP output parsing either. I was just the
first method that sprang to mind. Thanks for the script I can see the
techniques it using being more than a bit useful.

> According to du(1) the /var/sup directory occupies 414,163 KB, and after
> about a dozen imports of /usr/src and slightly more imports of
> /usr/pkgsrc, /cvs/NetBSD occupies about 442,533 KB.  Then of course
> there's the additional 420 MB on /usr for the working copies, and the
> space for objects and binaries, etc....  ;-)
Ouch. I'm glad I only track ksrc-current, ksrc-arm32, allsrc and gnu.
which gives the usage figures supplied on the web page.

