Subject: Re: timed -M -F host1 host2
To: Michael K. Sanders <>
From: Jukka Marin <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/20/1998 23:06:32
On Thu, Aug 20, 1998 at 01:58:19PM -0600, Michael K. Sanders wrote:
> >Why?  timed works just fine for me, but xntpd does not.  Every once in
> >a while, xntpd stops correcting the system time and the only way to get
> >it going again is to kill and restart it.
> This wouldn't be on an Amiga, would it?  I've had the same thing
> happen to me with xntpd on my A3000 since 1.0 (or earlier).

Nope, this happens on i386.  It may happen on Amiga as well, but I haven't
been using Amigas for a while now.  Don't know about Sparcs (I only run
timed on those :-)
