Subject: Re: ypbind -broadcast/ypserv broken
To: Brian C. Grayson <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/16/1998 15:48:22
On Aug 14, Brian C. Grayson wrote
> All of the machines work if I specify the server in
> /var/yp/binding/pdslab.ypservers (so I know the ACL works
> overall). Is there some special flag that says, handle bcast
> requests from any of the allowable hosts?
> Does anyone have the non-explicit/bcast method working? Is it
> some weird ACL vs. securenet thing?
I'm running one or 2 ypservers (NetBSD 1.3.2) which properly handle broadcast
requests. But I don't have a securenet or ACL file (we're firewalled).
Manuel Bouyer, LIP6, Universite Paris VI.