Subject: ypbind -broadcast/ypserv broken
To: None <>
From: Brian C. Grayson <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/14/1998 16:52:28
I've tracked my FreeBSD ypbind problems down some more: NetBSD
ypserv is not responding to broadcast requests generated via
ypbind -broadcast. To isolate it to be a NetBSD problem, I
removed /var/yp/binding on a NetBSD client, and then tried to
use ypbind -broadcast. From tcpdump, I can see the broadcasts
from the NetBSD client running ypbind -broadcast to, but it never receives any replies from the NetBSD
So, can anyone tell me why NetBSD's ypserv is not noticing
broadcast requests? Or at least not handling them?
/var/yp/ypserv.log contains nothing besides ``log opened''.
I'm currently 15 miles away from the server, and other people
need it up right now, otherwise I'd recompile ypserv with DEBUG.
Brian Grayson (
PhD Candidate, Electrical and Computer Engineering, UT at Austin
Office: ENS 406 (512) 471-8011
Finger for PGP key.