Subject: pmap_enter problems on syscall 3 (read)
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael C. Richardson <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/01/1998 03:58:00
I was running 1.3.2+Bouyer IDE on my mail server. It was okay for awhile
and then it started to crash with a panic. Same one, top of stack says
something about pmap_enter, bottom of the stack is syscall #3 (SYS_read).
So, I backed out to my previous kernel, a 1.3_BETA, and it still
What gets me is that it dumps successfully, yet savecore can't pull
anything out! Has the interface for savecore changed a lot? I just noticed
that mine is rather old.
I'm building a -current kernel for this machine... but does this crash
ring a bell with anyone?
:!mcr!: | Network and security consulting/contract programming
Michael Richardson | Firewalls, TCP/IP and Unix administration
Personal: PGP key available.
ON HUMILITY: To err is human, to moo bovine.