Subject: Re: Problems mounting filesystems - 1.3.2
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Christoph Badura <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/16/1998 00:17:20 (Gerald C. Simmons) writes:
>This resulted from more confusion with the new Sysinst program. When Sysinst
>extracted 1.3.2 binaries, I first expected it to only extract base, comp,
>text, etc, gnu, kern, etc., like it says in the INSTALL notes. However, it
>also extracted all the X-stuff, unexpected. The secr.tgz file was also in this
>directory, so I just assumed it was installed also.

Please submit this as a PR (with send-pr) against sysinst so it doesn't get

>Q: How do you migrate a passwd/master.passwd file from 1.2.X to 1.3.2?

Just move them over.  The crypt(3) library function is, essentially, a
one-way hash function and doesn't fall under crypto export regulations.

>Here's what I did. After figuring out the Sysinst DID NOT migrate my passwd
>files over from /etc.old, I cp'd master.passwd from /etc.old to /etc and
>rebooted. This seemed to rebuild the passwd.db & spwd.db files. However, when
>I tried to login - IT WORKED!

Hmm. having to move the passwd file from /etc.old seems somewhat non-intuitive
to me.

Christoph Badura

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