Subject: Sysinst confusion and recommendations.
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Gerald C. Simmons <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/13/1998 07:41:26
I just attempted to upgrade from ver 1.2.1 to 1.3.2, and had a few
observations. This was my first exposure to Sysisnt. Overall, I really liked
the new install program. However, here were a couple of things that hung me up:

Refer to Installation Notes

	* Section 8.6 Installation from a local Directory
	     This hung me up, because it wasn't intuitively obvious that I was
             suppost to put in /mnt/????? as part of the directory name. If
             Sysinst is going to mount the upgrader's file system to /mnt,
             shouldn't it at least tell him that? It would be nicer if it just
             Pre-pended /mnt to the Directory Name supplied.

	* Section 10. Finalizing your installation.
	     "After reboot, you can log in "root" at the login prompt."
             Well, no, rc.conf still has the Configured Flag set to "NO".
             No Multi-user mode - No Login. I got stuck here because I
             couldn't figure out how to edit rc.conf. None of my editors
             worked. I'm going to re-boot to 1.2.1 and clean-up the 1.3.2

Gerry Simmons