Subject: Weirdness?
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Skeelo <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/23/1998 01:45:29
First, sorry for the cross post. But I'm not sure where this should be.
I'm running a -current NetBSD/mac68k (33mhz '030 with 36MB RAM) and would
like to see this resolved.

Has anyone else noticed that requests to don't connect anymore?
I'm not quite sure when this started for me but I first noticed it when my
nameserver wasn't answering requests. I had "nameserver" in my
/etc/resolv.conf, that was easy enough to fix but this is starting to bug
me. If this isn't something unique to my system (I doubt it's just me)
then I'll be happy to fill in a pr with what little information I have but
if someone more knowledgable wants to file one I'll be happy to let them
