Subject: A Free Gift
To: <>
From: None <John@3.16>
List: current-users
Date: 06/11/1998 00:20:56
Although most of us are too uncomfortable to think about it, the 
truth is that one day we all will stand before the judgment seat 
of Christ.  Many will find favor in Jesus' eyes and will be given 
the precious gift of everlasting life, but the sad truth is that 
most will not.  The question then is: If you died tonight, where 
would you spend eternity?

Most people when asked this, reply with something like: "I've led 
a pretty good life and believe that God will see this and allow 
me into Heaven."  Unfortunately, the Bible tells us that we can 
not earn our way into Heaven.  Entrance into Heaven is not based 
on what we have done, but on what God has done for us through his 
son Jesus Christ.  The Bible tells us in John 3:36 that, "He that 
believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth 
not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on 

Everlasting life is a free gift to us from God; All we have to do 
is accept it.  God loves you and want's you to be with him.  Will 
you accept His gift?

Please pray this: "Dear Lord, I am a sinner.  Please forgive me 
of my sins.  I thank you for loving me so much that you sent your 
only begotten Son to die for me.  I accept your gift and ask you 
into my heart. In Jesus' precious name I pray, Amen.

If you prayed this prayer, then rejoice because John 1:12 says 
that you are now a child of God!

There are many more gifts that God gives to his children.  For 
more information on these gifts, please contact your local Full 
Gospel, Holy Spirit filled church.

God bless,

His servant