Subject: Re: NeoMagic chip X server
To: Tom T. Thai <>
From: David Carrel <>
List: current-users
Date: 05/21/1998 19:26:10
Do you have the aperture driver loaded, or the secure level set so memory
access is allowed???
> Thanks to Christo for pointing out where to get the drivers for the
> NeoMagic graphic chip. I've been able to compiled the server fine. But
> when I start XF86_SVGA I get:
> xf86MapVidMem: Address 0xfd000000 outside allowable range.
> I've also tried Christo's compiled server (which he runs without problems)
> but on my Dell Latitude CP machine, it gives the same error as my own
> compiled version.
> Any ideas?
> .............. ....................................
> Thomas T. Thai Infomedia Interactive Communications
> TEL 612.376.9090 * FAX 612.376.9087