Subject: NeoMagic chip X server
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Tom T. Thai <>
List: current-users
Date: 05/21/1998 18:56:32
Thanks to Christo for pointing out where to get the drivers for the
NeoMagic graphic chip. I've been able to compiled the server fine. But
when I start XF86_SVGA I get:
xf86MapVidMem: Address 0xfd000000 outside allowable range.
I've also tried Christo's compiled server (which he runs without problems)
but on my Dell Latitude CP machine, it gives the same error as my own
compiled version.
Any ideas?
.............. ....................................
Thomas T. Thai Infomedia Interactive Communications TEL 612.376.9090 * FAX 612.376.9087