Subject: Re: Ban the Spammer (hey that rhymes) RE: For Your Use (fwd)
To: Wolfgang Rupprecht <>
From: John Nemeth <>
List: current-users
Date: 05/16/1998 01:01:00
On May 9,  2:42pm, Wolfgang Rupprecht wrote:
} Actually, much of the spam that forwards could be
} stopped with the current sendmail 8.9.0 run as a front-end filter for
} qmail doing the final delivery.  (Phony "from" filtering and
} spam-software-only header filtering does a surprisingly thorough job.)

     Having one MTA feed another is not only silly, but grossly
wasteful of resources.  However, it would be nice if homeworld didn't
run qmail, since it is grossly wasteful of bandwidth.

} Details on how to setup the 8.9.0 spamfilter on
} This would be the version of sendmail to integrate into current, if it
} weren't for the "do not redistribute" constraint in the copyright.
} Too bad.

     This is reasonable considering that 8.9.0 is still in beta test.
There is too much beta test software in the tree as is.  Hopefully,
the redistribution restriction will be lifted once it is released.

}-- End of excerpt from Wolfgang Rupprecht