Subject: Re: BEWARE: sup just deleted entire pkgsrc tree
To: Jim Bernard <>
From: Jaromir Dolecek <>
List: current-users
Date: 05/10/1998 18:00:42
Jim Bernard wrote:
>   Does anybody have any clue why sup just deleted my entire pkgsrc tree.
> On two systems.  No changes to the local sup configurations in months, and
> no changes to the local operating systems in more than a week.  Sup runs
> have been normal on a daily basis "forever".  Yes, I've got it configured
> with the "delete" option---always have.

Same here. Fortunately I've not been experimenting with some new package,
so it's easily backupable.

Jaromir Dolecek <>
It is better never to have been born.  But who among us has such luck?
One in a million, perhaps.