Subject: Re: Ban the Spammer (hey that rhymes) RE: For Your Use (fwd)
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Wolfgang Rupprecht <>
List: current-users
Date: 05/09/1998 14:42:40 writes:
> Received: from (root@
>   by with SMTP; 9 May 1998 04:00:47 -0000
> Subject: RE: For Your Use

> I'm sick of receiving this stuff from them, and I think they should be
> blacklisted from every list we have--such a service provided to spammers
> should be outlawed at the least and the owners run over with dump trucks.

Actually, much of the spam that forwards could be
stopped with the current sendmail 8.9.0 run as a front-end filter for
qmail doing the final delivery.  (Phony "from" filtering and
spam-software-only header filtering does a surprisingly thorough job.)

My sendmail ends up refusing any obvious spam.  The total for the last
20 days of stuff refused from isn't that bad.  Its only 15 spamfilter
hits in 20 days for homeworld (compared to 222 spamfilter hits for
spam from elsewhere during the same timeframe ).

    15 []

Details on how to setup the 8.9.0 spamfilter on .

This would be the version of sendmail to integrate into current, if it
weren't for the "do not redistribute" constraint in the copyright.
Too bad.
