Subject: Re: egrep problem?
To: Brad Salai <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: current-users
Date: 05/06/1998 07:49:35
> 		if ! egrep "^$i$" /etc/ftpusers > /dev/null ; then

> It looks ok to me, but when I try 

> law:etc {258} egrep ^root /etc/ftpusers
> root    deny
> law:etc {259} 

> I get what looks like a wrong result.

> Is egrep broken?

Maybe, but this isn't evidence of it.  See that second dollar sign in
the script's call?  Your test should have read more like

	egrep ^root\$ /etc/ftpusers

which, I believe, would have produced no output.

Note the

> # XXX This should be updated to support the new format...

which I suspect is what's going on here - the format of /etc/ftpusers
has changed and the script wasn't updated to match, is my guess.

					der Mouse

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