Subject: Re: serial port control
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ty Sarna <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/12/1998 23:54:02
In article <199802130448.XAA16541@Twig.Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA> you write:
> > Interestingly, all the people I talked to at the companies seemed to
> > think (speaking for themselves) that the situation sucked, and that
> > the protocols should be available.
> Or at least they realized you felt that way and didn't want to upset
> you more than they had to.

No, I think it was genuine.  It's definately _not_ the kind of response
I've gotten from other types of companies while trying to pry
information out of them. Usually they try to convince you that you don't
need the information. All the UPS company front line troops I talked
to seemed to understand the issue, and it seems that they get asked for
the info often. I imagine they get tired of telling people they can't
help them, when they know the help is needed.

> > And APC was nice to deal with.  So, don't hassle 'em.  Relative to
> > industry average, they're the good guys.
> That strikes me as kinda like saying that a mugger who takes just your
> wallet shouldn't be hassled 'cause most of 'em will take your watch and
> keychain too.

They have the right not to give that info out at all, or set whatever
price they want. They're not stealing from you.

At any rate, the best way to deal with the situation is to reward the
one doing the best, even if it's not what you'd like, and hope that
causes the whole lot (or at least that one) to get better. When you
order from them, tell them that you appreciate them making the
information availible, unlike their competitiors, though you wish it was
freely available. If you talk to the other competitiors tell them that's
why you didn't go with them. It helps if you're buying a large unit :-)

This reminds me a lot of the story in Karen Pryor's _Don't Shoot The
Dog_ of the poorly-faring student who was punished for not bringing up
his grades enough, rather than rewarded for bringing them up at all. 
Not a smart way of altering behavior. Training dogs or training
corporations (Sit, IBM, Sit! Good corporation! :->) you've got to reward
movement towards desired results, rather than rewarding or punishing
based on wether they're doing exactly what you want.  (I just wish I
could put the knowledge in that book into better practice myself :->)