Subject: Re: fetch command for distribution files for package system
To: Herb Peyerl <>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/30/1997 17:49:37
> Andrew Gillham <>  wrote:
>  > So how does one specify passive FTP or a proxy server for it?
> >From the manpage:
>      -p        Enable passive mode operation for use behind connection filter-
>                ing firewalls.
> and in the ENVIRONMENT section:
>      ftp_proxy      URL of FTP proxy to use when making FTP URL requests (if
>                     not defined, use the standard ftp protocol).
>      http_proxy     URL of HTTP proxy to use when making HTTP URL requests.

Thanks everybody.  I didn't mean to sound quite so stupid.  I meant my
question in the context of the ports subsystem, which the original 
question of 'fetch' was.  I know about the manpage, I just wasn't sure
how that was used via the ports mechanism.  I certainly don't want to
set an environment variable globally just to build a port on my netbsd
machine!  I don't want my normal ftp activity going via a proxy server.

I discovered the FETCH_BEFORE_ARGS, and recalled that /etc/mk.conf is the
magic file.  Can't find the documentation for /etc/mk.conf, but hey, I
probably missed it. (grep didn't find it in /usr/share/man)
Is "ftp_proxy=xxxxxxxx" correct for /etc/mk.conf also?  That is where
I was/am uncertain.

Andrew Gillham                            | This space left blank                     | inadvertently.
I speak for myself, not for my employer.  | Contact the publisher.